1. A redundant robot kinematics in fusion application, academy of Finland, 2017 ( 5400欧)(主持)
2. 基于博弈论的聚变机器人马尔科夫链运动规划算法研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2021(主持)
3. 基于红外光谱与自适应控制的艾灸理疗装置研发与临床研究,安徽省重点研究与开发计划,2022(与安徽中医药大学联合主持)
4. 机电一体化生产线开放式控制实验平台,威尼斯886699自制仪器项目,2022(主持)
5. 用于聚变装置包层紧固件自动拆装机械臂系统,中科院委托项目,2022(联合主持)
6. 国家重大科技基础设施建设项目,国家发展改革委会,2018(参与)
[1] Zhang, Tao, Yong Cheng, Huapeng Wu, Yuntao Song, Sheng Yan, Heikki Handroos, Lei Zheng, Haibiao Ji, and Hongtao Pan. 2020. Dynamic accuracy ant colony optimization of inverse kinematic (DAACOIK) analysis of multi-purpose deployer (MPD) for CFETR remote handling. Fusion Engineering and Design, 156: 111522.
[2]Zhang, Tao, Yuntao Song, Huapeng Wu, and Qi Wang. A novel method to identify DH parameters of the rigid serial-link robot based on a geometry model. Industrial Robot, ahead-of-print: ahead-of-print.
[3] Tao, Zhang, Yuntao Song, Huapeng Wu, Lei Zheng, Yong Cheng, Heikki Handroos, Xuanchen Zhang, and Haibiao Ji. 2020. Hybrid collision detection perceptron of the robot in the fusion application. Fusion Engineering and Design, 160: 111800.
[4] Zhang, Tao, Yuntao Song, Huapeng Wu, Heikki Handroos, Yong Cheng, and Xuanchen Zhang. 2019. Deformation modeling of remote handling EAMA robot by recurrent neural networks. Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, 46: 300-10.