科研项目: [1] 军委装备预研-重大基础研究项目,514010303-301,多载荷工况XXX损伤失效规律推演,2021/10~2023/12,1087万,参与 [2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12172346,纳米纤维素序构材料多尺度力学和强韧化设计,2022/01~2025/12,61万元,参与 代表性论文: [1]X.S. Meng#, L.C. Zhou#, L. Liu#, Y.B. Zhu, Y.F. Meng, D.C. Zheng, B. Yang, Q.Z. Rao, L.B. Mao*, H.A. Wu*, S.H. Yu*, Deformable hard tissue with high fatigue resistance in the hinge of bivalve Cristariaplicata, Science. 380 (2023) 1252–1257. [2] L.C. Zhou, Z.Z. He, Z.T. Zhang, Y.B. Zhu*, H.A. Wu*, Maximum utilization of nacre-mimetic composites by architecture manipulation and interface modification towards critical damage state, Composites Science and Technology. 233 (2023) 109893. [3] L.C. Zhou, Y.B. Zhu, Z.Z. He, X. Jin*, H.A. Wu*, Multi-parameter structural optimization to reconcile mechanical conflicts in nacre-like composites, Composite Structures. (2020) 113225. [4] L.C. Zhou, X.H. Sun, M.W. Chen, Y.B. Zhu, H.A. Wu*, Multiscale modeling and theoretical prediction for the thermal conductivity of porous plain-woven carbonized silica/phenolic composites, Composite Structures. 215 (2019) 278–288. [5] L.C. Zhou, M.W. Chen, C. Liu, H.A. Wu*, A multi-scale stochastic fracture model for characterizing the tensile behavior of 2D woven composites, Composite Structures. 204 (2018) 536–547.